Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

My Reflection of VTR in Japan

Based on the video’s presentation that we know, there is an interactive learning activity between student and teacher also teacher and student, then at that learning activity we can devide two parts of teacher’s activity and student’s activity.
• At teaching learning process teacher gives the early concept about the material such as appresiation to motivate the students in order they can get more concentration when the teaching learning process in going on.
• Teachers prepare for any medias or other learning’s tools before teaching learning process is started. At this process teacher explains the material of geometry such as how to find wide of triangle area, square, rectangle, trapezoid which limited by irreguar area.
• Teaher devides students in to some small group to solve the exercises given by teacher
• effective classroom management indicated by good classrrom atmosphere, students do not the other activities when teaching learning process is going on.
• Techers gives many opportunities to students to construct their own understanding
• There is a good interactive between teacher and student especially when students are devided in small group where the teacher gives the argumentation when the students ask whatever they understand from their group discussion
• Teacher is as a mediator, and teacher does not solve the problem but teacher is only create the problem and allow the students themselves to solve it, event individualy or in group.
• Students full of concentration when learning is going on shown by the student which enthusiastic in aswering teacher’s question
• Students make in small group to finish exercises which given by the teacher then, finish those exercises together at their group discussion

• Students report the result of their group discussion in front of the class and ask the other groups to response it
• Together with the teacher to take the conclusion about those exercises and recorrect the incorrect answer
If we analysis seriouslly from video’s presentation, we can say that teaching learning acivity in Japan is really effective. Why do we say like that? Because there has happened interaction process in teaching and learning also students have been ready to accept the lesson. For example, from the perception related to the Japan’s VTR student answer and finish the exerciseswhich givenby the teacher enthusiasticly. If we compare teaching learning process model in Indonesia at this era has indicated to the changing. As example KTSP curriculum that has been in Indonesia at least to answer education fullfiled. If KTSP curriculum is implemented in right way I believe good result we can get from teaching learning process which supported by good method that is able to answer student’s need. Other example also in Indonesia apply Lesson Study to develop mathematic learning. Based on some result reseachs show that by applying Lesson Study acn develop teacher’s competence and student’s motivation in learning (Sukirman, 2002: 99 A progress of report of the APEC Project). My understanding is that if correlate teaching learning process in Japan has the same perseption in developing the quality of education, teacher’s competence and student’s motivaton.
From VTR’s presentation can find uniques points as follows;
The material which explained by the teacher is realy interesting because of applying the medias that make students easy to underastand. The exact explaination makes students enthusiastic in following the lesson. Students precises in finishing the exercises because they have mastered the concept correctly. The formal teacher’s performance, enthusiastic teaching and applying the appropriate method. Teacher uses the effective time to discuss makes student more motivated in finishing their task. When the teaching is teaching and applying the appropriate the learning media makes student also is not bored. Teacher can manage the class well so student can take their own position.
At teaching learning process there, has described an effective learning activity, interesting and enjoyable by applying the appropriate learning activity that is doing the good steps of good learning. This issue has been said by (Marsigit, 2000) “Promoting Lesson Study as One of the Ways for Mathematics Teachers Profesional Development in Indonesia: the Reflection on Japanese Good Practice of Mathematics Teaching Through VTR”.

For detaily he described learning acivity as follow:
• Teacher creates problem and ask students to give their response then try to find and construct their own understanding related to that problem which given through the drawing from the blackboard/whiteboard
• Students can start to reflect by applying their previous knowledge. Experience and chance to learn some previous concepts
• Students analysis the problem in to square,rectriangle, right triangle and triangle, paralellium or trapezoid in sequencing to find the wide of area about the draw
• At student’s group discussion they start by learning how to find the wide the area from triangle
• Students discuss how to analysis the picture. So, they decide to make small group in solving the problems through some steps as follow:
- Triangle shown at the exercise can be analysized into right triangle
- Triangle shown at the exercise can be analysized into some triangle
- Triangle shown at the exercise can be analysized into right triangle, parallelium or trapezoid
- Students formulate the way to find the area of no particular triangle
- Students try to find the wide area which fullfill four which used for the pattern of the wide triangle area
- Students can find the four wide from the ares used
- Students use paralelium to find the wide the area triangle of rectriangle, and with a digonal line, students can solve the problem
- Students try to find the wide of paralelium area
- Student support to consider how to find the wide of rhoumbus area from a trapezoid
For developing efective learning and achieve the maximum education quality which very difficult done by a teacher if she or he can not accept the changing at his/her tradisition. Like what the teacher does in this era that teaching is like routine activity that can not distrub the other people include the change that make her/his better teaching. When we visit the elementary schools especially at rural area, most of those schools still apply conventional method. This problems happens because of they are really difficult to accept the changes because of any reasons that they can not explain. That many class administrations that must be finished by them which need lot of time to finish it so they most of them teach the old material that they have prepared and it is for the continously teaching. By knowing this condition education in Indonesia still find difficulties to get globalization education standard because lack of inovative in learning so students are not challenged to find the problem and solve it. If teaching learning process in Japan as the inovative to the elemtary learning in Indonesia I believe our education especially for elemantary mathematic can develop the quality of learning that in the future can craete good personal resource, inovative and can follow the education development itself. Interesting learning strategy, enjoyable classroom, good medias applying can mativate the students to follow the process of learning and students can solve the problem arround them. Students can construct their own understanding based on the problem given.
Based on ministry of education decision no. 22, 23 and 24 in 2006 since June of 2006, Indonesian goverment decided to implement the new curriculum at elemantary and Junior high school levels that is called KTSP. It is hoped that by implementing this curriculum students have to have a basic competence cognitive, affective and psychomotoric. To achieve those basic competences we need a good method that appropriate with elemantary student’s characteristic and the basic issue of mathematic for elemantary school. Indonesian goverment develops contextual teaching learning and realistic method to support the implementation basic school curriculum that means goverment suggests to the teachers to develop students ability to utilize that ability to support students’ learning activity. Mathematic knowledge for elematry school consist of number, geometry, measuring and data analysis (that’s got from: Marsigit and friends. file “Lesson Study:Promoting Student Thinking on the Concept of Least Common Multiple (LCM) Through Realistic Approach in the 4th Grade of Primary Mathematics Teaching. The State University of Yogyakarta: Indonesia).
Jenning & Dunne (1999) said that, most of students experenced the difficultin mathematic application into real life. This case, that make mathematic is difficult to students because mathematic learning activity lack of meaning. Teacher in the classroom does not correlate with the students knowledge and lack of opportunities given to student by the teacher to refind and construct their own mathematic’s ideas. One of matehematic learning which focuses at mathematize of everyday experience and applicate at daily life is realistic mathematic. Realistic mathematic firstly developed and done in Holland more than 30 years and it has been understood in getting students’ understanding. This approach appeared with curriculum mathematics in contex (Romberg, 1998). This learning activity focuses at the important real context (Gravemeijer, 1994) becomes essential point and it can be become starting point in mathematic learning/teaching learning process.

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